About Us

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Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
A unit of Purple Hub, at Media Accent Nigeria we create bespoke Public Relations and corporate media communication solutions for our clients. This is with a view to help shape their reputations, engage with diverse stakeholders across multiple channels, tell effective stories and run creative campaigns which impact positively on their brands. These objectives ultimately promote mutual understanding between our clients and their stakeholders/ interest groups. At Media Accent Nigeria, our clients are also our partners, and we operate as an extended arm of their teams. We make their Public Relations and Marketing Communication goals our main objectives, and astound them with creative approaches. Our team executes every brief with the same set of creative principles — identify details that resonate well with our clients, formulate action plans to achieve set goals, execute same and initiate controls - with a view to realize the best results, on time and on budget. It’s a huge demand and entails top-notch PR and Marketing Communications professionals to realize. Accordingly, we’re pleased to have a committed team - that's simply awesome.

Monday, 23 October 2017

How to write an effective newsletter for email marketing...5 rules

By Dominic Nwelih

1: Avoid too many words when writing a newsletter. Make your news letter as concise as possible. The average reader has a short attention span.

2: Avoid typographic errors. Ensure it's proof read by someone with proof reading skills and an eye for detail to spot such errors.

3: Avoid grammatical errors. Before publishing, ensure it's read by someone who boasts good editing skills and experience. Readers won't take you serious if your newsletter is filled with grammatical errors.

4: Ensure you have a creative subject line capable of drawing attention and interest. Many subscribers are wont to dismiss a newsletter with a banal subject line.

5: Quit trying to sell your organization, products and services to readers. Instead give useful information and valuable content that would keep readers hooked. That way trust is built with readers and they are bound to contact you when the need arises.

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